Welcome to Aeries Online Enrollment
Oakdale Joint Unified School District
Oakdale Charter School & TK/Kindergarten Registration
Parents can upload the required documents as part of this online registration.
The required documents include:
Original Certified Birth Certificate or County Recorder’s Certificate of Live Birth
Immunization record (New state requirements in effect July 1, 2019)
Completed Physical form or Appointment card- TK, Kinder, 1st and 2nd grades only
Proof of residency in the appropriate school area
Proof of Oral Health Exam - TK, Kinder, 1st and 2nd grades only
Parent Photo identification
Legal Custody Paperwork, if applicable
If you have questions about uploading required documents please contact your resident school or send an email to Aeries@ojusd.org.
To get started, click the Enroll A New Student button. Once an account has been created, you can enroll another student by clicking Enroll a New Student. If you need to review or complete an application already started, click Login and enter your email address and password.
If you do not have a valid email address, you will need to create one before getting started. The Internet enrollment process typically takes 20-30 minutes and must be done on a computer (no tablets or phones). Note: Entries should be made using proper upper and lower case. Do not use all capital letters. If you are unable to complete the process at one sitting, you may save what you have completed and resume the process at a later time